Steam Inhalation

The inhalation of air saturated with moisture, heated by steam, is an extremely valuable remedy for both acute and chronic inflammation of the air passages.


  • Moistening and soothing respiratory tract.
  • Relief of nasal and lung congestion.
  • Relief of throat irritation and coughing.
  • Loosen dry or thick secretions.

Items Needed

  • Tea kettle to boil water
  • Towel (or newspaper cone) for concentrating vapor for inhalation.
  • Hot plate
  • Eucalyptus oil, pine oil, etc., for medicating airway (optional)

Treatment Procedure

  1. Pray
  2. Explain procedure
  3. Fill tea kettle with water (as pure as possible). Add eucalyptus, pine oil, etc. (optional)
  4. Use towel (or funnel apparatus) over the head to concentrate steam. (If person is unable to stand or sit, you may use an umbrella to build a tent over the bed.)
  5. Have person take deep slow breaths.
  6. Continue treatment for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Will need to add more eucalyptus as it boils out
  8. Repeat 4-5 times during the day. Allow at least one hour between treatment.


  • Because this treatment involves steam, special care must be taken to avoid burns.
  • Treatment may have to be shortened for small children and the elderly.
  • Those with chronic respiratory disease or chronic heart disease may find it difficult to breath.