Neutral Bath

The neutral bath is useful in that it truly relaxes the nerves, avoiding stimulation and restoring balance to the body processes.


  • Insomnia
  • Agitation
  • Itching
  • Depression
  • Mental illness
  • Lower blood pressure in acute hypertension
  • Dry skin (long)

Items Needed

  • Bath tub filled with water (94-97°F)
  • Bath thermometer
  • Bath towels
  • Air pillow or towels for head

Treatment Procedure

  1. Have a word of prayer asking God to bless the treatment.
  2. Explain procedure.
  3. Assist him/her into the tub.
  4. If tub is not deep, cover exposed body parts with towels to prevent chilling.
  5. Temperature must be checked periodically to maintain neutral range.
  6. Treatment may range from 20 minutes to 3-4 hours.
  7. When ending the treatment, cool the water 2-3° to prevent sensation of chilliness. Assist him/her out of tub and dry, avoiding friction or unnecessary rubbing.
  8. Lay him/her down to rest for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Special Notes

  • In cases of acute anxiety, cleansing or insomnia, the bath should be prolonged.
  • When used for insomnia, treatment should be given prior to retirement.
  • Depending on the temperature of the room, and the individual, the temperature of the water may be increased to 98 or 99°.


  • Some cases of eczema.
  • Persons with great cardiac (heart) weakness.