WELLNESS for Alcoholics
Lifestyle guidelines for alcohol addiction recovery
Water – Water is a great detoxifier, both internally and externally. A healthy person needs to drink 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds of weight every day. This means that you need to drink even when you don’t feel thirsty, and your urine needs to be clear by noon. If you are trying to clear your system of toxic substances, you need to be drinking even more water! Drink moderate to large amounts of water. Do not consume more than 2 quarts of water an hour. Staying hydrated will help the withdrawal symptoms be less severe and allow the alcohol to flush out of your system more quickly.
Exercise – Even if it's only a short walk, you should exercise and raise your heart rate as much as is comfortable. Not only does exercise decrease symptoms of depression, it will help flush the alcohol out of your system. It is also a good diversion when you experience cravings; go outside and get some exercise. It helps to focus your mind elsewhere. You should work up to exercising 30 minutes a day, five days a week at a moderate intensity. Moderate intensity means that you can talk, but not sing.
Live Temperately – This means to avoid those things that are harmful and to use sparingly those things that are good. For the alcoholic especially, this means avoiding sugar, tea, coffee, sodas, alcohol, chocolate, and spices, as these things are known to exacerbate cravings. It also means that you need to not overdo those things that are good. If you overeat it is not good for you, even if what you are eating is healthy. Sleep, work and exercise are also good for you, but not if you do it too much; you have to find a balance.
Lots of Fresh Air – Fresh air helps to promote many healthy functions in the body. The lungs help to rid the body of toxins, and you can help them by taking deep breaths of fresh air often throughout the day. Try to keep the windows open in your house to allow for fresh air to flow through the house on a regular basis. It is best to exercise outside so that you can breathe deeply of fresh air and get your sunshine on a regular basis. This will help your lungs, will give you a clear mind, and improve your health in general.
Nutrition – Eat a diet including bananas, green leafy vegetables and oranges. These foods will help hydrate your body and replenish it with potassium. Eat largely of ripe, raw fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. Avoid all cheese, meat, and sugar. Remember, sugar feeds your addiction. Avoid highly processed foods (white flour, snack foods, etc.). Eat foods more like they grow. Have ½-1 cup beans with breakfast. This will help to keep your blood sugar from dropping throughout the day. Eat plenty of whole grains and fresh fruits to give you slow-release energy that will fuel your mind and body for the day. Eating a high fiber breakfast will help you deal with stress better and will lessen your cravings for sugar, caffeine, and snacks. Include plenty of healthy foods like greens, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds to help level out the extreme energy highs and lows and to improve mood, reduce cravings, and improve mental function. Breakfast should be large, lunch medium and supper small. Don’t eat anything between meals and only drink water. Don’t eat within 3 hours of going to bed. Try to limit or stop all dairy (milk, butter, eggs). Limit your use of fatty foods (oil, margarine, etc.). Taste buds change every 30 days, so stick with it!
Entire Trust in God – This is the most important aspect! You cannot overcome your addiction on your own, but it is possible if you link up with the power of God! It is only by cooperating with God—as He gives us His power to change—that we can be able to make the changes we need to make and maintain that change. Confess your sins to God, ask for and accept His forgiveness and choose to surrender your will to Him. Trust in His power to overcome. You already know you cannot do it alone. You may attempt to make changes in your diet or exercise or temperance, but those changes will not remain permanent unless you have God’s help to maintain the change. Claim His promises and get a support person to pray with you and provide encouragement and accountability. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
Sunshine – This is especially important for the alcoholic because alcohol interferes with the body’s ability to produce Vitamin D. So you need to build your body’s supply back up. The minimum amount of sunshine needed is 15 minutes daily on your hands and face. Sunshine helps you make vitamin D, improves your immune system, improves your mood, and helps modulate your wake/sleep cycle.
Sleep/Sabbath Rest – You need about 7-8 hours of sleep every night. To do this, you will need to plan your evenings so that you get to bed in time to get that amount of sleep. It is best to have a regular routine before going to be that does not involve eating, or exercise. Make sure you do not eat within 3 hours of going to bed and do not exercise within 2-3 hours of going to bed. Have a regular relaxing bedtime routine—reading a book, taking a bath/shower, having worship, etc.—and keep going to bed about the same time each night, so your body gets used to the routine. Also, make sure you take 1 day a week for a Sabbath rest. God made our bodies to function on a weekly cycle, and our bodies need one day a week to rest from labor.