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Body water

  1. Total body water equals about 60% of the total body weight in young men, and about 50% in young women, and less in older persons. Infants’ total body water is between 65% and 75%. In a 70-kg man, in temperate conditions, total body water equals 42L, 65% of which (27L) is inside the cells (intracellular), and 35% (15L) is outside of the cells (extracellular).
  2. The hypothalamus (a gland in the base of the brain) has receptors to measure how much or how little water is in the blood and will release or suppress vasopressin (also called Antidiuretic Hormone). If the water in the blood is low, vasopressin is released and causes the kidneys to conserve the water in the blood and not release so much of it in the urine. If there is too much water in the blood, vasopressin will not be released, and the kidney will get rid of extra water into the urine.
  3. Water lowers the viscosity of the blood
  4. It aids in carrying nutrition into the cell
  5. It aids body poisons to be released through the skin
  6. The heart pumps blood through the kidneys at a rate of approx. 2000 quarts every 24 hrs. This means that your total blood supply passes through the kidneys about 400 times every 24 hrs.
  7. Water is the medium for various enzymatic & chemical reactions in the body. It moves nutrients, hormones, antibodies and oxygen through the blood stream and lymphatic system. The proteins and enzymes in our body function more efficiently in solutions of low viscosity. Water is the solvent of the body and it regulates all functions, including the activity of everything it dissolves & circulates.

Some benefits of water

  1. Maintains proper circulation
  2. Promotes clear thinking
  3. Lowers high blood pressure
  4. Decrease the risk of strokes
  5. Lowers the risk of heart attacks
  6. Lowers the risk of gallbladder disease
  7. Decreases the risk of kidney stones
  8. Decreases the risk of urinary tract infections
  9. Is a buffer against acid/base imbalances

In health and in sickness pure water is one of Heaven’s choicest blessings. Its proper use promotes health. It is the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system and assists nature to resist disease. The external application of water is one of the easiest and most satisfactory ways of regulating the circulation of the blood.” MH237

Simple Principles

  1. Every day drink 1 oz of water for every 2 pounds that you weigh.
  2. Drink a couple cups of water in the morning, and then fill a bottle of water with as much water as you should drink for the rest of the day and focus on finishing that bottle before the day is over.
  3. Don’t wait to be thirsty. If you do, you are already dehydrated.
  4. Make sure your urine is clear by noon.
  5. Try drinking only water, with time it will taste good to you. There are no calories or harmful substances in water, and the body does not need to digest it, only absorb it. Hence, it is the best substance that you can drink. You may find that you will loose a bit of weight by doing this, because many of us consume lots of calories in our soft drinks or juices.
  6. Wash daily with hot water and pure glycerin soap, then finish with cold water for 30-60 seconds. The hot water opens your pores so that you can clean out the accumulated wastes in them, and the cold water closes them back up.
  7. Lots of ailments can be treated with water applications (hydrotherapy) to the skin.


When your dog or cat is thirsty, what do you give them to drink? When an elephant or cheetah is thirsty, what do they drink? When you want to wash your car or your clothes or your dishes, what do you use? Water! That is because water was made to cleanse. You were not made to drink beer, soft drinks, coffee, cow’s milk. In fact, I am pretty sure that in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve didn’t juice their fruits, they ate them whole. Try for 1 month to drink nothing but water and see how much better you feel and how much weight you have lost. Go ahead, try it!


Do not drink this much water if you have kidney failure or congestive heart disease. Talk with a knowledgeable doctor (who understands about health principles as well as human physiology and isn’t just a “pill pusher”) first, if you have these problems.