
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 9:35-36
The mission of H.E.A.L.T.H. by the Book is to secure the highest development of the whole person - physical, mental, and spiritual - to promote happiness in this life and aid in the preparation of the life to come. H.E.A.L.T.H. by the Book seeks to do this by following the methods that Christ used as He ministered to humanity while He was on Earth.
About Us
It is our hope that we help you to improve your health - one choice at a time. Our site contains dozens of pages of useful information, advice, explanations, tips, recipes, and more!
You can learn about our ministry, or about the services that we provide. We also stock a selection of books and health items - you can view our price list to see what's available.
We'd love to get your feedback or questions... be sure to contact us for any information.
If you are interested in supporting our ministry, please check out the Support Us page to discover ways in which you can help.
Cooking, by the Book
The recipes that we present to you seek to incorporate as much as possible whole foods that are prepared in a simple way, yet are tasty and appealing to the eyes.
Try our suggestions for Breakfast, Lunch and Supper; or our recipes for Breads, Desserts and Substitutes.
Wellness, by the Book
Here, we bring you information and resources to aid you in finding greater health and wellness, not just in your life, but in the lives of those around you; not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually.
The eight principles of WELLNESS are: Water, Exercise, Live Temperately, Lots of Fresh Air, Nutrition, Entire Trust In God, Sunshine, and Sleep.
Studying the Book
The Bible provides an endless source of wisdom and revelation. It is God’s revelation of himself to humanity.
We have a collection of Topical Studies that draws deeply from the Bible to answer important questions; and our Practical Christianity section offers solid advice and counsel.
Health, by the Book
Health, by the Book investigates common diseases of our time, and gives timely advice and counsel.
Here we investigate Diabetes, Heart Disease and Obesity.
Here you will find the transcripts of the Health by the Book Nuggets, as televised on Revolutionary Revelations on CNC3, Sunday afternoons at 4pm in Trinidad and Tobago (2011).
You can start at our Index page, or go to our first nugget, Introduction To WELLNESS.
Here you can find free audio files for your listening pleasure. You can listen to them online, or download them in MP3 format.
You can start at our Index page, or start with the first audio file, Sanctification and Diet.
Here we are making available for you documents that you can use for your own benefit or the benefit of others.
- Health Fair
- Cooking School
- Health Documents
- If you attended the 'Raising The Right Arm' Conference in 2012, you can find the resources here.
- Power For Living